About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aiyoo, this ITE thing is completely driving me crazy!!!!!

yesturday, i woke up early in the morning to go into the ite website to try applying for the hairstyling course in simei, BUT ITS NO LONGER FOR APPLICATION!!! OMFG!!!

then okay nvm, sua! i changed my mind to go higher nitec and study one course...
the application is starting today! i also woke up in the morning, i go in, same ite website, found out that the application is only open for GCE O levels school leavers!!! WTF!!!

GONE CASE! should hav taken up ite hair fashion and design course in jan intake uhs... stupid -.-
nvm, anyways im not gonna give up!! im gonna find a way to study hairstyling!!

I jus found out that there is a traineeship course in ite which i can apply, and hairstyling is inside!! its like i dun nid to go sch and learn till wanna die then attachment... instead, if i apply, and successful, i will sign a contract wif the comapany, and then start learning the skills!!! then its like future job secured alr!! omg!! COOL!! im gonna try it haha :D
hope this dont go against me in the end again -.-
hahax wish me luckss! :P

wahh very tired nw, jus came home nt l00nGG, i so far consecutive go out everyday siol!! haha!

buh-byess everyone :P

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