About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Completely insane day.

On 24th Jan, Sunday, i was woke up by my fone msg tone...
Prying my eyes open, i see messages, nothing but messages that only make me go crazy, messages that looked as if its picking a fight, starting a quarrel, breaking friendships and relationships...
Arghh!! Wtf is going on?!
its nt a misunderstanding but a misunderstanding in purpose...
a purpose to create misunderstandings and shatter friendships and relationships...

But nw, i don care...
I shall live my life, my new life that i jus decided to start...
I will live only for myself and those whom i trust...
I wont giv a damn abt things that go against my way...
I will only live to enjoy, live to survive, live to feel alive.
No one can stop me...
Its nt so easy to forgive and forget, thus, i shall carve everything in the closed jail doors of my mind, my heart and my soul. Remembering it always and remind myself nvr to fall back again... Its gonna folow me for life, carved deep in my heart.
I shall live with those things always remembered, and nt forgiven...
But i will stay happy, and i will nvr regret...
Life is short, and i will make full use of it, cherish it... may god open his or her eyes and judge hu is gd or badd... bcuz ppl from this 2 categories are nvr meant to mix... Just like heaven or hell seperated by the human world as the boundary...

I will move on, i will continue my journey in life, but im not afraid to look back again once in a while and smirk and move on again...

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