About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Saturday, January 16, 2010

It seems, im jus too over worried about things at times :)

Hahas, today was a fun day, met bby and went out together! OMG! Can't believe it, last night, I thought i will never be able to see her today! But i can!! SO HAPPY ^^
We sent bugis street, walk walk, then after that went to takashimaya!!
Bought her a Teddy Bear! its so cute larhhs!! she even hugged it everywhere she go! she damn cute larhs! <33
After that we had our dinner at Takashimaya and then went to Somerset 313 to visit Action City! went there to see how my frens are doing :D good to see them doing fine :D the shops changed alotz toos!! :O products also changed :D hahax, no longer the same old products hahas!! :D
Then i wif bby go shop for her hair clips, hair bands and eye liner :D
In the end bought them all at Chamelon :D then we still went to the makeup shop at level 4 to buy her eye shadow!! And omg larhs! they do sell those fake eyelashes that are like got feathers at the sides derhs lorhs!! who dare to wear arhs?? Wear lerhs look like devil siol :D :D :D like MONSTER!! :D
After that we bought strawberry juice :D so nice!! I think im addicted to it! :O
We bid goodbye to my frens in Action city then i brought her to the 313's taxi stand take taxi send her go church, and surprised to see a guy there under somerset 313, helping us open the door and close the door, even wished us a pleasant journey!! So good service and hospitality!! Thumbs Up!:D
When reached the church, i kissed her goodbye and i went to marina square find my frens.. LOL, they were like nothing to do dunno wat to do luhhs... LOL.
We then went to one of my friends' father's shop to buy clothes! its called FOURSKINS! hahax, i bought a t-shirt very racist!! hahas! got picture of damn alot alot of black ppl and theré is a word, 'where's muthu' in the centre! hahs! damn racist against black ppl larhs! hahas :D

Here is the t-shirt :D

Hahas! damn racist mann! :D

ok, continue.. They were actually planning to eat dinner at KFC but i very full so cant eat, they also dont wan eat! LOL! in the end go 7 eleven buy some pies and drinks then full lerhhs HAHA xD
Wah but then when we going home, taking mrt, im like standing and falling asleep in the mrt, oh my, damn tired and worn out :D maybe yesturday nite not enough sleep barhhs :D tonight gonna sleep early :D :D hahas
enjoyed my day today, damn fun!!
Uh.. my eyes blur blurr lerhs, think gonna sleep soon :D
going facebook make some things then sleep lerhs hahas
Goodnights everyone! "/

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