About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Starting sch tomollo!!

OMG, today morning, or i shld say, yesturday morning... i was sleeping, then the ite teacher called asked me y i nvr go sch today. i was like shock! my first reply was like huh?!!!
l0lx then she said, u dunno today is your first day of sch??!!
i jus replied, 'how in the world do i know, the internet nvr say also...'
l0lx then the teacher lan lan :D
she told me to go sch tomollo! in home clothes bcuz i still dun hav sch uni...
walau, tmr i go sch confirm i only one in house clothes lorhsx... very wierd, confirm everyone staring at me one.. scared sia!!
hahax :D
meeting my bby tmr morning. then go sch tgt hehe :P lurve her <3
walau tmr i still need give the drop sec sch letter to serangoon sec!! wtf! where do i find the time man!! no choice gt to lobang some of my frens lo.. pls help me pls!! :)

Okays i very tired, sleeping early tonight...
goodnightex everyone!! tmr will be a better day!
i hope! harhs! tmr confirm damn scary sia... l0l

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