About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I feel the happiest when im wit u...

Today, or shld i say yesturday? WHew! was a somewhat busy day!! :D
got up around 9am plus in the morning, cuz my beloved txt me to accompany her to see doctor, so hav to pick her up from sch!
Wah! u knw, upon seeing the text, i immediately jumped out of bed! no stretching needed for the first time! Haha!
i straight away chiong to brush teeth and bathe, wah bathing in morning damn cold lehhs >.< *shivers*
So i took taxi chiong down to her sch, wait for her. eventually she came out and we took taxi agn go see doctor! :D haha! bby always like to sleep in taxi hahas, sometimes, i jus wanna tell her tat i love the way she sleeps, she looks so cute <3
after seeing doc, we went (censored)puki!(censored) erm sorry, bugis!! hahas :D
We shopped till we dropp mann! in the end bought alot DOMO-KUN!! hahaa, domo bag, wallet, pouch, keychain so on.. lolx
then we went cck eat dinner wif her didi! cute lehs her didi, funny also haha :D
Narhs, then end up shopping in cck till around 7 then go took mrt go clementi, went there derhs photoshop washed some photos from fone.. cute >.<
Then i and her didi sent her back home around 8pm plus?? nt sure timing haha! we had so much fun talking jokes and things we nvr keep track on time haha!
After sending bby home i changed bus to hrabourfront then take mrt home! cool! i feel asleep while standing in mrt :P hehe, zai hors!!
Reached home, bathed, slept till now wake up make my facebook and blog :D hahas
hmmm, im not tired alreadys how arhs?

I KNOW!! i go play ps3!! hehe :P
cya everyone.. haha :D

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