About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Friday, January 15, 2010

Im lost, i don't feel alright, i feel confused...

To think that im still awake now, at this hour... reason?
I also don't know myself...
Im thinking nw that is my decision to go ite a right one?
Is quitting sec 5 the right decision?
I suddenly dont feel like going to ite, dunno y..
I jus suddenly not at all keen in going into ite after hearing someone said abt a particular thing...
i Don't know what to do, the results of me going in or nt still not clearly shown to me..
I dunno if i go in or not, if i go in how? if i did nt, then wat next?
the real reason of my quitting sec 5 is bcuz of escaping from staying back after sch everyday for SRP, and also escape from the hairstyle rule of the sch.
But is this decision too rash?
Is this decision right?
Why did i choose to go ite? bcuz im blinded by love? i put my future at risk bcuz of love?
its a bet too big...
But can i turn back now? No...
idk wat to do, idk wat to say...
After hearing her say that i shld nt go ite jus bcuz of her, and her reasons for saying it, i suddenly feel that i stopped on my path... lost, dk where to go...
But i promised nt to falter, nt to be shaky when things changes, bt can i do it?
im nt sure, idk idk!!
another day passed jus like that, and im still stuck here on my path, lost, dk wat to do, dare nt proceed...
I hate myself for this, but i shall nt fall down, i hav to support someone, i hav to be the strong one, nt the weaker one... anyway its no turning back.
Sorry, but i think i hav to not listen to u for the first time... pls forgive me.

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