About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why does everything seems to go against me?

I have had enough of things going against me today;
1. A planned meeting out with frens cancelled.
2. My phone has been giving me problems since this morning!
3. Where did my money go?!! I left it on my table yesturday nite! Why gone??
4. PS3 cannot start! Fuck! im having some depression and i am denied of playing games to relax?
5. Having a little headache! now of all times!
6. My beloved txt me said she can't meet me tomorrow bcuz not allowed!
7. What the hell, Action City haven call me to collect my pay! when i nid money, they don call, when i don nid they call me when i not free to collect pay... Wth!

Had enough of today, down on luck today, seriously! Fed Up! PISSED!! Im Fucked!! Assh0le! (if u find this sentence offensive, pls leave, its ur choice to read or not to.)

Im gonna sleep to forget everything, tomorrow is going to be a fcuked up day, seriously! no bby, this saturday's gonna sucks like hell! F***!

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