About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Monday, February 1, 2010

Kimage Salon is my fate?? :/

Today i went to the ITE headquaters in Dover to ask and apply for traineeship course for hairstyling >.<
I went all the way there wif my fren and in the end they say dont nid to come all the way here, jus need to apply online can alrdy...
i was like WTF?!! then wadds wif the go to the ITE HQ for a briefing b4 applying on the web sentence there for?? zzz for show? WTF!

Okays, thats fine, i alrdy went all e ways there alr they jus told me to go the computer and go apply... but then when i apply, there was only 3 company to choose from, kimage, jean yip or kimarie?! LOL i choosed Kimage in the end.. but like wtf, im gonna spoent 2 1/2 yrs at funan digital life mall Kimage salon??!! WTF!
SIAN!!! and they pay is like 600 plus commision for the first yr, then 700 plus commission for 2nd yr && 800 plus commission for the 3rd yr! Okays that was quite low -.-
hopefully the commission nt badd larhhs, if nt i gonna peng san!! LOL

haix wateva, i alr clicked on Kimage, so my fate is Kimage alrdyss... siann!!
Then after that i and my fren, we both took taxi to town to walk walk, lol, go orchard ion and wisma bla bla bla... met new frens, new ppl... c00l!!
hahax :D

Jus reached home nt l00ng only :D hahax
still nt tired lehhs :D hahas :D

Damn, KIMAGE IS MY FATE!!! I till nw still cant belive i clicked on kimage!!! Haix..

Nvm, thats all for today, im gona gt bz wif other things :D hahaax cya!

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