About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My life seems to be changing bit by bit... Even myself seems to be changing... bt in a bad way or a gd way??

Today alarm rang at 8,30 am. lazy to get out of bed..
ever since i quitted from sec 5 and from sec sch life, im becoming more and more lazy, sticking to my bed all day...
I changed... a lot.. i either sleep on my bed whole day, or go out shopping whole day, or go out during the nite till next morning..

My life wasn't like that in the past, in fact in the past 2 months... its like within 2 weeks, i changed, tremendously... after everything that had happened, my life begin to change. But i feel much more mature nw, much more free and easy... it seems like somehow, somewhat, a piece of burden on my shoulder is gone... a burden that i felt it on my shoulders for years.

But, is my life changing for the betta or for the worst? I hope is for the betta... but either way, i don't seem to care already.
My environment change me and i change by the environment. Occasionally, i had the feeling tat my old self, my old life is back, but i jus dare nt accept it. I want a change in my life, i want it so badly that as long as there is a change, a new start, im eager to walk the path, even if the path that i am walking is a road down the dungeon, i don't mind at all.

Today is counted as quite normal, waking up early in the morning, bath, blow hair and everything then go out... But the different thing is that im meeting my 'Gan Mei' this time... pick her after sch, go puki! (bugis) buy a shirt and a bag for her, then we walked around... treat her mac, then took taxi to Boon Lay go the LAN shop use internet -.- zai horrx!! my fone also gt internet, but aiya nth to do go there burn time lorhhs.. After that, my Gan Mei went to meet her boyfren! so i alone liao lorhhs...
I rang my Gan Mei's Gan Jie, Cheryl... asked her if she is still at Somerset, then she said yarhs going to somerset soon, so i took mrt, stood in the mrt and fell asleep stnading!!! only woken up when the mrt gave everyone a sudden jerk and my legs nearly gave way cause im slpin... when it gave way i woke up again... this time found myself in city hall mrt station so i changed to red line to orchard cause Cheryl said she in far east wif her frens... when i reached orcahrd, i found out that my mouth is bleeding AGAIN!! bleeding for no reason man after that stupid accident!! so went to toilet washed up and called cheryl again to ask where to mit her and she said she was abt to go home soon!! F**k! i wasted my time took train all the way to orchard lorhhs!! so i bo bian walk town alone AGAIN!!!

Just when im a little fed up and walking to Ngee Ann City via Wisma Atria, i saw someone familiar leis! at first i was like, ei, looks familiar leh, hair colour so rare in orchard... then in the end is Elaine! hahas! nvr knew will see her in orchard at this time of the day, friday! hahs, so shopped tgt wif her and went to eat at Hougang mall :) anyways we both also wu liao, hahas shoppin alone uhs, sad case!! Ate ajisan lamian, teeth bleed AGAIN!!! 4th time alrdy... -.- we talked abt alot of craps, even talked abt believing in 2012!! scary :( i think that day i still washing ppl's hair in Kimage salon lorhhs!! SIAN! then BOOM! :(

Okays, i guess im really bored naos! typing a post so long and wu liao like essay -.- haizzz, single life nt gd, bt my love life is always screwed up!! maybe staying single still betta uh, unless maybe one day i can find someone i can truly love and forget abt the past, i may start falling in love again. Love is unpredictable, it always comes when u least expect it to, and it is blind!

Hope my life will change bit by bit for godness sake! i don wan to fall back again...

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