About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Seriously tired...

Woah! im stressed out, exhausted, and tired...

Good news: Got selected to go Kimage salon be Apprentice after a hard 3 days of orientation training :)

Bad news: Gotta start work starting next week, 1st of march monday onwards for 2 1/2 years non-stop, 6 working days a week, 1 day off during weekdays, morning shift of 10.50am-9pm daily or afternoon shift of arnd 12-9pm? thats around... 317 days of work in 365 days a year! with annual leave of 7-14 days? still nt sure abt the annual leave thingy... That means, im gonna be a busy man, workaholic! Which means, friends, im not gonna see u all for a long time! wad will it be like if i were not to see u all for months or even years? that, im curious... we may even loss contact! Please stay in contact as much as possible!
And this also means that im not gonna update my blog that often alrdys, may even MIA from Facebook, MSN and the internet world...
But never say goodbye! As the Kim Sheng that u know now is still living!!!

Anyways, feel free to drop by Rivervale Mall anytime to hav your hair washed by me :) I will giv u good service confirm! :) Jus find me in Rivervale Mall's Kimage hair studio. I'll be there :) unless i off lo haha :D

Wif love my frens,
Please always remember me, that im still alive, still living and within your reach...
Please never ever forget me, your fren that longs to see u all, who will be slogging hard to find his way in life...

I may be uploading pictures of my these past 3 days orientation in Kimage School Of Hairdressing at FUNAN DigitalLife Mall. Stay tuned! :D

To Be Continued...

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