About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I guess things are jus back to where it all started... but proceeding in a different direction nw...

Today is somewhat a pleasant day :)
no troubles, no irritating ppl, no irritating and annoying happenings!
Jus a plain, normal, simple day :}

Although i started the day with somewhat a little not-so-sober feeling cause of the alchahols and liquors i drank last nite, but its fun having some nice chats wif frens out at nite and drink a little uh, so no regrets! :) jus that my breathe still stinks of alchahol after waking up at arnd near mid noon :/

So jus started the day with GOING OUT! again!! hahax, i jus cant sit obediently at home for a day! hahax, its so BOO0RINGGG!!!! :D
So when out with one of my fren, met her at bugis b4 going over to other place to find another fren to eat lunch! :D
So the usual chattings and gossips and wateva we can think abt, we chat abt over the table while having lunch at Long john :)

hmmps.. then i went over to orchard ALONE after they left, uhs, quite lonely uh, i even fell asleep in bus! lucky woke up jus in time for the stop at orchard rd! GOd Bless ME! :) if nt im gonna end up in some nonsense place agn for sure! LOL!

Okays, i walked arnd orchard ION, then wisma, then ngee ann then cathay then to somerset 313!! so i went to buy bubble tea at 313 basement 3 for my ex-colleages at my former working place in 313 :)
went up to look for them, treat them the bubble teas!! and hmm, nice to see them doing all quite well uh :) bbest luck to all of them! hope business will be betta on days to come :) JIaYou!! :D

after that i went back ngee ann city! walk walk and decided to drop by one of my fren working at taka! hahas :D then jus chat a little with her then after that i went back to ION to buy something!! HAHA, i was looking for something to buy! bcuz i nid a plastic bag to put my sunglass uh! i was holding it on my hand for the whole day!! LOL, hand tired liaoszz haha :D

SO i walked ZARA, cant find the jacket that i want, then went to TOPMAN, cant find a single clothes or accessories worth buying, and then, i went to RIVER ISLAND!! set my eyes on a wallet that is quite cool and nice!! SO i bought it haha!! anyways my wallet is alrdy torn in some places, and looks old alrdys, i bought it at Raffles City's RIVER ISLAND last time!! :) their wallets are jus creative!! and somewhat cool in some ways :)
RIVER ISLAND wallet rocks!! hahas but of course does nt rock if compared to those LOUIS VUITTON, GUCCI, BURBERRY, PRADA wallets i saw... i jus cant choose one out of them!! OH MY GOSH!! but this new wallet shall be my replacement till the time i finally choosed one i really like and decide to buy it :D hahas
OMG, when did i bcome so brand-minded person??!! since i bought my GUCCI belt and got my PRADA sunglass, i was like mad about this branded goods!! OMGosh!! but nvm, buying a few more does nt matter uhs, as long as i use them for l0ng, its worth it :)
the money matters leh... a few more months to come i working as hairstlyist i mend back the lost lorhhs :P hehe!

Okays, im going to play ps3 fifa 10 alrdyss... haish, dunno y from i jus reach home till nw my hands are like a little out of strength >.< dunno why... like a little numb bt nt numb, a little shaking bt nt shaking, a little tired bt nt really tired
-.- i jus dunno hw to explain the feelin!! ZZZ!! its a feeling that no words can ever describe...

hahas, time to stopp blogging alrdyss! SAYONARA everyone! :P

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