About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Monday, February 8, 2010

Damn Scary Movie, as expected from thailand movies!

Warhhs!! Today gone out again! :D
Went out to shop wif my new fren!! :)
hhaahaax, talked alotzz of craps and abt everything l0lx!!
Finally got back my 50 dollars from my ex colleage :) haha so happy :) left 50 dollars more to return to me and loan settled! case close haha :D

Had lunch-dinner at somerset KFC, hohoho, long time no eat luhs!! KFC suddenly taste so good! :D hahas, then we walked and walked around orchard road, from somerset to taka then to ion then to far east... hahax, then we wnt to dhoby catch a movie!!
Guess wad?! we catched a horror movie, hahax, damn horror larhs, disgusting also!! OMG!! its a thailand movie called 'My Ex'
Okay dont talk abt it lerrhs! Damn fcuking scary lorhhs, and disgusting >.< most of the time i was like covering my eyes... cause i don wan nightmares uh!! :/
If u haven catch the movie yet, don find me and ask me the story horhxx! i don wan talk abt it lerhs, u go watch it yourself wif frens barhs! jus one warning! damn scary!! hahax :P

Got home like 11 plus 12... bought carrot cake at house downstairs and 2 box of chicken and micorwaved it at 7 eleven! reach home watch SOCCER!! Arsenal vs Chelsea! okay shld be Chelsea vs Arsenal... cause chelsea home -.- and scored 2 goals so fast and game end at 2 goals to nil... stupid larhhs, i was expecting Arsenal to giv a good fight but then in the end like nothing of a fight lorhs.. haix siann...

Now cant sleep >.< scared later got nightmares hahax, now going to play fifa 10 on ps3 hahax till morning then slp :P hahax
Bye byes everyone!!

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