About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Sunday, June 7, 2009

God Damn Bored

Arghh Today is a Boring Day! No one to go out with = no fun no life no enjoyment!! Damn!!
One more frustrating thins is that i still not quite understand blogging!! man!
Got to go out wif my mom to buy vacuum cleaner! Wtf! Suddenly don't feel like going out ;O

First week of my holiday spent at home!! Shyt! I need to get some life!! Need to enjoy myself before school Reopens if not, after that is all study!! Oh MY! N levels is around the corner! & i still don't hav a mindset or a target or a goal!! God, If life can be without exams and tests, how gd will it be?!! Hahz!!

Anyways, those virus links in msn are bothering me! Who created those anyway, he/she must hav fcuk nth better to do in life! might as well jump the building!

Bored to death... Worst holiday for me :,(

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