About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is it another lonely birthday?

Tomorrow is my birthday... I wonder if anyone notice it, bcuz so far, no one ever coughed a topic about my birthday...
Hope its nt another lonely birthday again
Im still confused if i were to ever celebrate my birthday wif the one i love?
Is it again that only this few friends remember my birthday?
wat abt the others that said they would celebrate with me?
y till now thay are still unable to contact?
is spending a little time to go out wif me so hard?
i dont even ask for any presents, jus their presence...
are u telling me that by jus being there is so difficult?;
if so, wat are frens for?
im really tired to wear a smiling face..bcuz these are all the questions i hav in mind which no one would ever answer.

i jus hav one simple wish to wish for, that is for the one i love to accompany me for this birthday, i jus want to spend it wif her... that is all that i ever wish for...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

arghh hahaa, finally Soen the joker is back :D
can go out more often lerhhhs! walau still not sure my other friends can go out or not haiix :[

yesturdae when out to watch terminator salvation with alwin & favian, the movie damn noisy from start to finish, my ears suffered in the cinema mann.. but still, the movie was nice and a little funny hahas! how i wish can go watch movie again, i still got lots of movie yet to watch! and transformers new movie is coming soon, cant wait ;)

Anyway, after the movie we went to LJS our dinner, after that, we called soen to prank him that we were going to his house! hahas! he was so afraid that we will go his house, dunno y hahas, maybe hiding something? hehehe :B
Agrrhh fun day yesturdae, todae wasn't >.<
hope tmr will be...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

God Damn Bored

Arghh Today is a Boring Day! No one to go out with = no fun no life no enjoyment!! Damn!!
One more frustrating thins is that i still not quite understand blogging!! man!
Got to go out wif my mom to buy vacuum cleaner! Wtf! Suddenly don't feel like going out ;O

First week of my holiday spent at home!! Shyt! I need to get some life!! Need to enjoy myself before school Reopens if not, after that is all study!! Oh MY! N levels is around the corner! & i still don't hav a mindset or a target or a goal!! God, If life can be without exams and tests, how gd will it be?!! Hahz!!

Anyways, those virus links in msn are bothering me! Who created those anyway, he/she must hav fcuk nth better to do in life! might as well jump the building!

Bored to death... Worst holiday for me :,(

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blogging is Complicated >.<

Aww man, i jus hate starting something new!! Hey hey hey reders!! this is my FIRST time blogging & aw i love it man.. why? cuz i always hate to start blogging, it seems so complicated in the beggining my head seems to get BLOGK!! >.< awww... Felt so gd seeing my blog finally done!! hahz!!
Wish me happy blogging in the future :B