About Me

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is it another lonely birthday?

Tomorrow is my birthday... I wonder if anyone notice it, bcuz so far, no one ever coughed a topic about my birthday...
Hope its nt another lonely birthday again
Im still confused if i were to ever celebrate my birthday wif the one i love?
Is it again that only this few friends remember my birthday?
wat abt the others that said they would celebrate with me?
y till now thay are still unable to contact?
is spending a little time to go out wif me so hard?
i dont even ask for any presents, jus their presence...
are u telling me that by jus being there is so difficult?;
if so, wat are frens for?
im really tired to wear a smiling face..bcuz these are all the questions i hav in mind which no one would ever answer.

i jus hav one simple wish to wish for, that is for the one i love to accompany me for this birthday, i jus want to spend it wif her... that is all that i ever wish for...